Year 2 Engie Adventures, Part 1

Where I live, September brings with it lits of merry tidings: heat waves, humidity humid enough to make a hurricane cry, dryness, sunburns, and school.

I kind of hate all of those but the latter.

Being back in school means all sorts of great things for me, starting with but not limited to something to do, my friends, the Caf, all the fun events put on here, the Caf, Subway, boarding around campus, the Caf, and the Caf. I like the Caf.

Moving on. Today (Sept. 3) was my first official day of classes. Let's have a recap of how I got here.

-> Sept 1: Move in. A lot more complications than necessary all due to a failure in communication. Way2go, Res Life. That annoyance aside, I got two roommates. One I already knew from last year (sorta) and the other was a Random. The former, James, is great. Five minutes in a room together and we were blaring to each other about anime and computer games. The Random, Spencer, is alright from what I can tell so far. He's not disruptive, like the people I roomed with last semester, and he seems like a pretty nice guy from the few conversation I've had with him. Of course, it's not like we were going to be all happy friendship fanatics in five minutes, mainly because I'm me.

-> Sept 2: ... Nothing special, really. Was bloody hot, above all. I used this day to finish putting up room stuff an prep by supplies, which turned out to be pretty much everything that wasn't a writing instrument. I'm so good I forget to pack pencils for the first day. WINNER IS ME.

First class of the day was Circuits. The class was HUGE, to the point I was wondering how the kids standing in the back of the room were going to take notes. ... It was later revealed that amidst some confusion, a bunch of those kids that were there got mixed in by accident. About fifteenish were from different sections, so they got told to, well... come back at their allotted time. From that class session alone... I really don't know what to think about it yet. One session isn't enough to gauge this class.

Second class: Composition. Within 5 minutes of the start of this class I already knew I was in for a great time. The professor is wonderful. She hinted at bringing food. I like food. At one part of the class, she let us ask questions to her. One kid asked if she liked Star Wars, due to some previous observation on his part that I don't recall. Her answer was yes. I felt compelled, ... forced, if you will, to ask: 'In line with your answer to the previous question, what's your opinion on Episode VII?' She said she couldn't answer that in the allotted 2 minutes for questions, splurged something about Mark Hamill working out and Harrison Ford not having to, then moved on. Naturally, this class is going to take a lot of writing. What I noticed, though, is that most of it is building up for the big final paper, which to me is a just a rehash of my Senior year Term Paper from Highschool. Same basic concept, reqs, everything. Aside from APA format, which isn't too bad.

Third and final for the first day was Engie Physics 2. Three hours of physics with a guy I'm sure is Canadian but I'm not a big enough jerk to ask. Maple products aside, I have a feeling I'll enjoy this class. I hope it's not as annoyingly naggy and abusive as Engie Physics 1 was, though. That was borderline obnoxious. Similar to Circuits, I need more time to judge this class.

All that stuff aside, keep an eye out for Part 2, which I'll put out tomorrow after my classes (Calc2 and Statics).


Edit: Font changed


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