Book Slump

Is it wrong that I feel joy from causing the level of feels that I have by having Tyler and Amanda read the Legend trilogy? 



They chose this life as book nerds. And I fully expect them to do the same to me. Book buddies.

So, I don't have any new books to post about yet. I'm kind of in that weird between books phase. City of Heavenly Fire, the last book in the Mortal Instruments series does not come out until the 27th. Divided, the sequel to Dualed also is released on the 27th. The sequel to Mila 2.0, Renegade, comes out on the 13th, but I won't get that from my friend for a bit. 

I recently finished rereading City of Fallen Angels and City of Lost Souls to refresh my memory before City of Heavenly Fire. Unfortunately, I seemed to have underestimated how much time I would have to read, so I finished them a bit early. I can't decide what I should reread next while I wait for new releases....I have been watching the Marvel superhero movies, but I only have two more left before I can move on to The Amazing Spider-Man and maybe The Hulk. I could just marathon watch Daily Grace's YouTube videos.

I don't know what to do with myself guys. Classes are done and I have time but nothing to read for a few weeks.

Book problems.

On a super unrelated note.....check out the eyebrow. 

Okay, bye.



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