Where I've Been and What's Going On
It's that time of year again! It's hot! It's musty! You sweat without trying to! Everyone avoids going outside unless there's water-based entertainment involved! IT MUST BE SUMMER-ISH! Where did u go time I say 'ish' because, officially, Summer doesn't start for a little under 2 months. But this is California! What's Spring? LET'S ALL MELT IN THE HEAT, GUYS! But how does that bode for the book-based world of the MechEngie that's writing this post? What does spontaneous combustion upon setting foot outside the threshold of my house mean for BOOKS? Well, next week is what I'm calling the official start of my Summer. I'm starting then because I have so much happening over the next few days I won't have a chance to sit down and read a lot. So what does Summer reading look like for me? The first thing that's going to happen is I'm going to finish the book I've been stuck on for over a month. Blame s...